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Jugantar Samaj Unnayan Sangstha (JSUS)
Having seen the Hardship and distressful picture of poor people, philanthropists- educationist Mr. Sayedul Arefin and co-founder, Executive Director Mrs. Yeasmin Parvin felt a significant need to establish an organization to fulfill the crying needs of the Underprivileged poor peoples in their locality. Association with some dedicated and promising social workers and their involvement the dream of them came into existence. They established the organization. Namely, Jugantar Samaj Unnayan Sangstha (JSUS) in the month of November 27, 1997.
At the very beginning of the establishment, JSUS launched Education Program for disadvantaged working children for ensuring their basic rights of education, rights, and protection at Korbanigonj in old Chattogram. In 2003, JSUS started the partnership with BRAC's Education Support Program (ESP), through the partnership JSUS started pre-primary and ECCD education activities in Patiya and Anowara and it was continued till 2016.
In this time, JSUS started working for the Persons Living with Disabilities (PLWDs) for ensuring their basic rights and support. In 2009, JSUS become a partnership with CDD and started a project namely Promotion of Human Rights of Persons with Disability in Bangladesh (PHRPBD). Till this project is continuing its three phases in long 12 years. And some more project has implemented through add the disability inclusion issue by this time.
In 2017, JSUS has started new partnership with BRACs second Chance Education Project supported by the Ministry of Primary Education in the Chattogram city corporation area. Under the project, JSUS smooth functioning the 95 centers for children's education, life skill development, protection, and their rights. Recently JSUS is starting second Chance Education Project for the Out of School Children with the joint partnership of Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) & the Ministry of Primary Education in the Chattogram city corporation area for smooth functioning of 80 centers.
During the developmental journey, JSUS has become a partner with different Local, National, International, and Govt. organizations such as the BRAC Education Support Unit, National Disabled Development Foundation, CDD, Australian Aid, and CBM, etc. Besides partnership, JSUS has developed a strong network with different local, national, and international levels networking organizations and organized different development and advocacy programs in collaborating with them. JSUS is operating two training centers in Chattogram. These training centers are providing hospitable training facilities. In upcoming years, JSUS hopes to establish a strong documentation & Communication unit through the establishment of an audio-visual media center. And will make some video documentaries on development issues, increase research activities, enhance staff capacity and expand program coverage.
Our main concerns
We are currently working on the following subject area.
Developement Partners
We have partnerships with various governmental and non-governmental organizations nationally and internationally.

COVID-19 Pandemic Response
News About Disability
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